萬巢多彩全屋PVC-U阻燃電工套管在產品外觀、工藝、功能、色彩、安裝方面大力完善,在系統創新性、技術性、實用性、安全性上進行了全面的升級與革新。彩色電工管主要成份為聚氯乙烯,并加入其他成分來增強其阻燃性能、抗壓性能、耐熱性能、韌性及延展性等,同時加入不同顏色的色母以改變其色彩,使其可在電路安裝中以不同的顏色區分強弱電布線。 Wanchao colorful PVC-U flame-retardant electrical casing has been greatly improved in terms of product appearance, process, function, color and installation, and has been comprehensively upgraded and innovated in terms of system innovation, technicality,practicability and safety.The main component of color electrical pipe is PVC, and other components are added to enhance its flame-retardant performance, compression resistance, heat resistance, toughness and ductility. At the same time, different color masterbatch is added to change its color, so that it can distinguish strong and weak current wiring with different colors in circuit installation.